CSUB’s Journey Toward Sustainability: Assessing Impact and Implementing Change

Embracing Sustainability

At CSUB, we recognize that sustainability is not just a buzzword— it’s a commitment to our planet and future generations. Our vision is to be at the forefront of the industry in terms of environmental responsibility. To steer our efforts in the right direction, we have partnered with Civitta to conduct an in-depth analysis and develop a report to measure the total carbon footprint across our consortium.

A Detailed Assessment by Civitta

Our partnership with Civitta led us to a pivotal realization — the total carbon footprint of CSUB Group in 2023 was 10,824 tons CO2eq. Most of this footprint is from Scope 3 emissions, particularly purchased materials and transportation. However, every percentage point we can improve upon is a step in the right direction.

To better understand our carbon footprint, it’s crucial to differentiate between the types of emissions:

Scope 1, Direct Sources: These emissions come directly from sources that are owned or controlled by the company, such as fuel used for company-owned vehicles and heating our facilities.

Scope 2, Indirect Sources: These emissions are a result of the generation of purchased electricity and heating used by the company. Although indirect, they are relatively straight forward to trace and manage.

Scope 3, Upstream and Downstream Indirect Sources: This category is the most complex to monitor and manage. It includes upstream activities like employee commutes, office supplies, business trips, office equipment, waste management, raw materials, consumables, and project-specific purchases. Downstream activities include transportation and distribution of the finished product.

Current Sustainability Practices at CSUB

We proudly maintain certifications in ISO 9001 for quality, ISO 14001 for environmental management, and ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety. Each of these requires us to set and meet annual improvement targets. CSUB yearly analyze our environmental aspects and seek to define objectives vs. the most significant aspects.

Our 2023 objectives:

  • To reduce GRP waste by 10%. We achieved a 4.3% reduction.
  • To cut total energy consumption in our Klaipeda division by 30%, a goal we surpassed.
  • To conduct a CO2 analysis with Civitta, which we have now completed.

Our 2024 objektives:

  • Develop Floating Solar system for rough weather conditions
  • Product development: Flumill – Energy platform for harvesting tidal energy

Daily Efforts and Long-term Strategies

CSUB is continuously working to replace carbon-intensive materials like concrete and steel with composites. In a 2020 report by Norwegian firm Cemasys, we found that for products in subsea and fish tanks in aquaculture, composites significantly reduce the carbon footprint compared to traditional materials. For example, GRP used in fish tanks is 32% less carbon-intensive than concrete with reinforcing steel and up to 67% less than coated steel.

Looking Forward: A Pioneer in Sustainability

The Civitta report along with our Sustainability Strategy marks the beginning of a transformative journey. As we progress, we will keep engaging with suppliers on sustainability, enhancing circularity in waste management, and exploring partnerships with recycling firms. Our aim is to not only make strides in our environmental impact but also to set an example for the industry.

CSUB is committed to being a pioneer in sustainability. This report is our starting point, and we pledge to continue our efforts in making a tangible difference in our sector and beyond. Our planet’s health depends on the collective actions of businesses like ours, and we are dedicated to leading the charge.

Optimize the safety and efficiency of your subsea pipeline installations with CSUB’s advanced crossing structures. Contact our team today to find out how our customized solutions can meet the specific needs of your project.