
Our business is conducted in accordance with established Health, Environment, Safety and Quality objectives and procedures.

Safety always overrides delivery deadlines and cost issues.

Our goals are:

  • Zero accidents and injuries to personnel related to our operations.
  • Conduct our business without unnecessary environmental impact and seek to protect the environment.
  • Continuously strive to achieve improvements.
  • Satisfied customers.

We have a management system that includes the entire business, and that is in accordance with applicable laws, certification standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, and other requirements we have imposed on ourselves.


The management shall ensure that all personnel always have enough training and expertise, so that they perform their duties in a safe proper manner and ensure that the quality is according to our company’s and customer’s requirements. Involvement of workers shall always be a guideline, including consultation and participation.

Further, provide the necessary resources so that the business can be operated efficiently and with the right quality. Hazards shall be eliminated, and OH&S risks shall be reduced.

Risk assessments will be actively used to reduce/eliminate detrimental factors related to the working environment, quality/cost and the influence of the environment.


All employees are responsible for applying their knowledge in an active manner to promote safety and best practices and shall be encouraged to make improvement suggestions and report undesirable conditions regarding health, environment, safety and quality.

Everyone has a responsibility for optimized utilization of raw materials and energy, and for keeping waste as low as possible.

CSUB is commited to align our operations with the UN Global Compact´s ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption